Brothers Simen and Lars Martin's upbringing, challenges and coping experiences.
Why multi-handicapped Simen with; mental retardation, cerebral palsy, minus 15 in vision, epilepsy and celiac disease want to embark on a 413 kilometer lang expedition?
What is a multi-disabled person left with after 3 years of physical training and an expedition of 23 dager in 20 minus degrees?
Current research and initiatives in the area of physical health for the disabled.
The wildlife and wilderness we experience in arctic regions. Bear, wolf, eagle, polar bear, screw ice, etc.
Challenge and mastery which in turn leads to great joy :-)
Himmeljegerne holds lectures and professional days throughout Norway. Since the start in April 2013, we have held over 209 lectures for, among other things, municipalities, banks, students, trade unions, schools, oil and gas, DNT, business organisations, the Armed Forces, sports organisations, teachers, as well as associations for people with disabilities.
We have also held open lectures, including in two sold-out Asker Kulturhus in 2013 and 2014 - "The sky hunters' icy experiences went straight to the heartstrings". Simen and Mads end all lectures with air guitar and muscle flexing ;-)
The lecture covers, among other things, the following topics:
Lecture "The sky hunters - challenge and mastery"revolves around the brotherly relationship between Simen and Lars Martin and their three-year battle to start a skiing expedition in the Northwest Passage in Canada. 23 days with an average of minus 20 degrees was very hard for Simen, who is multi-handicapped and who learned to walk when he was three and a half years old.
During the lecture, Simen tells as much as possible about himself. He supports little brother Lars Martin and deals with the five major challenges that lie in Simen's body. We look at what obstacles and coping opportunities the challenges present on the expedition and have given growing up.
The lecture is at times both funny and emotionally engaging.
Lars Martin tells about the time he moved out to study
and Simen was left in the hallway at home crying. A hard time
for the boys, but an experience that could be used as energy
to achieve a dream project.
The part about the Yukon expedition is about thatSimonmay take
with his best friend Mads, who has Down's Syndrome
canoe expedition in Canada's wilderness. Mads has to train a lot
to get in shape for the expedition where the guys hope to
see both bear and wolf.
We tell about the expeditions to Finnmark, Africa and Jotunhemen
about current research on physical activity for the mentally disabled
or people with Down syndrome who are the backdrop.
We adapt the lectures to the group listening.
We have held lectures ranging from 45 minutes to 3-4 hours where we
challenges the audience with questions tailored to their business.
Standard lecture: 70-80 minutes
Standard academic day: 4 x 40 minutes
Tfeedback from:
Junior High School: "Legendary!"
If you are looking for a very good lecture about what it is like to have epilepsy, we recommend that you check out the websites of Marius Forme, who gives lectures and professional days on the subject of epilepsy:Lecture Marius Formoe
Nexans Norway, Oslo April 22
"Lovely listening to you yesterday! 👏🏼👍🏼 Fun and inspiring for everyone! 😊"
Fredrik Hovden, Stavern FHS 2021
Thank you very much for a wonderful, heartwarming and engaging lecture! Quote from a student: “That's the most inspiring thing I've ever heard! If they can, so can I.”
Anders Johansen, Head of Adult Habilitation Unit, Horten Municipality 2021
"You are a wonderfully inspiring tree clover!
The joy and courage you show through your expeditions, and the other trips you have with other participants - is fascinating. It has been very nice to get to know you a bit - and I hope we meet again - maybe for a collaboration!?
When we saw you at Storefjell in 2019, we set ourselves a goal - "We will have the SKY HUNTERS to Horten" - we have achieved that goal!
Our next goal is - "We're going to get a new collaboration with the SKY HUNTERS" - so, See you again!"
Silje H. Brønn, Project manager in the unit for adult rehabilitation Horten Municipality 2021
"Thank you very much for an incredibly good lecture!
Have received a lot of feedback from the audience at their lecture. People think it was incredibly inspiring and impressive with everything you achieve. Several think you are fronting important issues, etc. activity and health promotion work with the user group, and shows that almost anything is possible if you see the possibilities and not just the limitations.
In addition to the fact that I completely agree with everything above, I think the scheme you deliver is professional and varied. Nice with clear and good dialogue at the front too"
Stine Raknes Kvarven, Bømlo Folkehøyskole 2021
The feedback from the students was good, this is a seminar that stands out and engages! 😃
Hilde Falch Christoffersen, General Manager Study Center RKK
Brilliant posts that made us both laugh, cry and think. Thank you very much for leading the way and showing what care, motivation and daredevils can achieve! Wonderful 🤩😍
Håvard Moum, student at Valdres Folkehøgskole 2019/20.
Amongst many exciting seminars at Valdres Folkehøgskole, the seminar for the Sky Hunters stood out strongly with good flow, exciting and life-like stories and directly moving moments, where you got an insight into how much these trips and the arrangement around them have actually meant in terms of physical and psychological development.
It hit me hard, and inspired me more than I can really put into words.
Hilde Johansson, Alstahaug Municipality
Both we and the participants are satisfied. I asked a random person what they thought of the Skyhunters and was answered with: absolutely fantastic!
Monica Johansen, FO students Østfold
Hi Lars Martin!
The lecture was more than expected! We are very pleased with the arrangement you had and everyone was very inspired by what you have achieved, and your plans going forward. As an organisation, this was absolutely great for us, and covered relevant material for all our professions. Would definitely recommend an evening with you to others in the same profession.
The feedback I have received from the guests is also exclusively positive.
Quotes from environmental therapists in Asker and Oslo Municipality, June 2018
The sky hunters gave a real boost to how to organise, motivate and carry out larger and smaller trips. Very nicely laid out with movies like
illustrated how they had planned, arranged and, not least, achieved these trips. Was a good mix and laughter, a little tear in the corner of the eye and admiration for the kind of effort they have put in to make it happen.
- It was a very entertaining lecture, the environmental therapists at my place were both inspired and impressed!
-Really great and moving lecture!
- I think this lecture was absolutely superb. Good at talking and he was good at involving both Simen and Mats in the conversation.
Inspiration for many for what you can manage to get through with good effort.
- It was exciting to listen to the stories from the Sky Hunters. It is inspiring that people with limited opportunities can actually make such things possible, such as traveling so far and carrying out such demanding expeditions :-) The lecture was well composed and I didn't look at the clock even once :-)
We were very satisfied with the lecture to Himmeljegerne :-)
Mona Olsen, Haglebu fjellstue/Mountain rally wheelchair, June 2018
Hello guys
Glad you could come and hope you had a nice day too. We will definitely recommend you strongly.
Lina Marie Brathaug Franzen, Bergen Municipality
"We in Bergen want to thank you for two great lectures, you made a strong impression on us and we look forward to following you on your journey!"
Gro Baasland - Porsgrunn Municipality
Employees in our service still talk about the day you were in Porsgrunn and many follow you on social media.
It's inspiring to see everything you post, which gives us a reminder to keep going for an active everyday life.
The homes have gone through the letter you sent by email and on review we see that we have a number of activities.
The day with you has been an inspiration to further focus on an active everyday life based on the individual's assumptions.
Ingrid Andresen Lund - Mountain Film Festival Gjendesheim
We asked the question "How well did you like the following lecture?", with 1 as "very bad" and 6 as "very good". The result for their lecture was the following (with 228 respondents):
Of the respondents who saw their talk, 60% answered that they liked it very much, and 37% gave it a score of 5. That's 97% at 5 and 6, which is very good! If the respondents are a representative sample, this corresponds to 230 audience members at the lecture.
I also attended their lecture at DNT's autumn meeting, and also heard a lot of positive comments from the audience who thought it was very good.
- it looks like you have a good plan going!
Hanne Kamsvåg, Valdres Folkehøyskole
Important message about challenges and opportunities, about how important activity is, about courage, joy, mastery.
Greetings Simen and Mats.
Øyvind Rolfsnes-Flock, Bømlo Folk High School:
The feedback I have heard is exclusively positive. The pupils are impressed by what you have done and not least your courage to make this happen."
Kjersti Simpson-Larsen - Teacher Numedal Sports School (Folkhøyskole)
I have only received positive feedback. They said it was very good. En pupil said that - we should have had this before we went on the snow cave trip, then surely many more people would have joined the trip" impressive what they achieve! - so you managed to get our young people to reflect on their own efforts. Your lecture had put things into perspective.
I also think that young people are able to reflect on and think that "everything" is possible as long as you work hard enough for it, but in today's society it is easy to resort to comfort and security, instead of throwing yourself into situations where you have to work extra and be out of the comfort zone.
I thought you got it across in an excellent way with your lecture!!
RIK - The line association for economics and logistics NTNU - lecture February 2018
"Dice roll 6.Incredibly good. Fantastic group, just as positive and good no matter what."
Håkon Gangestad, Rygge Municipality - professional days September 2017
It was two great days and I have received lots of positive feedback from people who participated!
fMona Mehlum, Kragerø July 2017
Many thanks for a great lecture👍
You are a great role model and inspiration, you prove that what is "impossible" just takes a little longer, most things are actually possible💪
Hope some of those who attended your lecture yesterday, here in Kragerø, from municipal and political life, take your message seriously!!!
I look forward to following you further and good luck👍🤗
Hilde Marie Triseth, Kragerø July 2017
Thank you very much for the visit and a great lecture! You impress, inspire, engage, move and delight. Good luck with new projects!
Kari Merete Horne, communications manager DNT Oslo and surrounding area - November 2016:
"We were visited by the Himmeljegerne at DNT Oslo and Omegns Høstmøte in Gamle Lodge on 9 November 2016. What a wonderful story! About the love of siblings, about friendship and about true joy of walking. We were really moved to see how much it means to Simen and Mads to get out on trips and expeditions. You follow your dreams and achieve things that the rest of us only dream about! Lars Martin shows a brotherly love that warms and gives us faith that there really are good people in this world. We look forward to accompanying you in the years to come. And we look forward to meeting you again!
All good travel wishes from the entire DNT to Himmeljegerne."
Hanne Jørgensen, November 2016:
"Hey boys!
I was at the lecture you gave in Kristiansand on Tuesday and I just want to say that it was incredibly fun, exciting and not least motivating to listen to what you have been through and experienced. You guys are totally raw! Respect then! I can probably only dream of being as tough as you. Keep going and good luck. I can't wait to hear about the new adventures you're going on God tur!
Asker and Bærum's Message:
"The sky hunters' icy experiences went straight to the heartstrings" See article HERE
Odd Jørgensen, Freden Form:
"After many years in the event industry, I have heard many lectures. So far, no one has inspired me as much as what Himmeljegerne delivered at Expedition Finse. They tell a powerful story with an honesty that hits the middle of the ship. Must be experienced."
"Want to believe that all possible companies and associations would have benefited from hearing the Himmmeljeger lecture.I really liked that Simen and Mads were so much involved and we especially liked seeing the interaction and warmth between the two."
Berit Karin Ø. Nilssen, Stend secondary school
"A good lecture about the fact that most limitations are in the head, but fortunately also the possibilities. An impressive group, which brings out the great joy that can be gained through activity, mastery and, not least, togetherness and love. This provided inspiration!"
Anne Wollertsen, DNT:
"Was very satisfied with the lecture about the paddling expedition. Amazing what determination and determination can achieve! :-) Good luck in the future!"
Lene Isabel Dale, Social worker Stavanger:
"I think the lecture was very good! I liked the way you balanced humor and seriousness, both when you chatted and showed films! I think that this is very relevant for those who are doing the foster care education"
Greetings, care worker from Stavanger who is looking forward to hearing about the next expedition:)"
From Belset Kindergarten v/Magnhild Storrøsten:
They are just so happy with the Sky Hunters at Belset.
"We benefited from this. Gives perspective on petty complaints in everyday life about nothing....”
Andre Hole
"Great lecture that shows that you have the opportunity to carry out outdoor life trips with physical challenges in demanding climates despite various physical and psychological challenges. This puts into perspective that it is possible, as long as you have enough desire and will to do so. Good job guys!"
Åge Avedal, Leader 4H Sogn og Fjordane:
"...Cool that they are fully committed :) I really only have positive things to say after the two lectures at Skei in February. We have received a lot of good feedback from both the young people for whom they lectured on Friday and the adults who were along on Saturday."
Teacher Engebråten Junior High School:
"The entire 8th and 9th grade of 300 students sat quietly and watched with interest for over an entire hour!"
Teacher Stend VGS
"I learned something about the importance of motivation and something about how to motivate, for example by starting from what the boys liked, and building on that, let there be a reward in it. And the importance of social interaction, the value of sitting together in tent and enjoy yourself, share strong nature experiences TOGETHER, share toil and joy together, that the "togetherness" motivates"
From Berger Kindergarten v/Norun Mortensen:
The sky hunters were a top experience and for reflection it is said here.
Rachel Krane, grandmother of someone with mental retardation in Tromsø:
"The lecture was a defining experience. The trip, the hardships and the achievement are a matter of their own - impressive in themselves - regardless of physical and mental capacity. What impressed me the most, however, was that we had both my grandson and a friend with us by him. Two young men whose strongest point is not concentration, sat quietly for an hour and a half, completely absorbed, and listened to a lecture. They found a grown man in their own situation who performed far beyond what we able-bodied people can do. We must remember that these are children whose entire upbringing is instilled with limitations.They suddenly saw opportunities.
You should have visited every single political party, school, decision-making body, etc. and proved that happiness is not pizza and waffles, but that these children also have an enormous need to master. Not least to document that physical activity is at least as important for this group as for the able-bodied - perhaps more so.
To Simen, I would like to say - yes, you are mentally disabled. Fortunately, your legs don't know that and it has made you perform far beyond what a healthy person can do. With those muscles, you can safely treat yourself to a chocolate as a prize.
Stand up guys - there is a big group that really needs you as a role model"
Audun Støren, DNT Drammen
"Thank you for the inspiring dissemination of your expeditions. You are my heroes!"